Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English
Volume 11

Developing Corpus Methodology for Historical Pragmatics

Edited by Carla Suhr & Irma Taavitsainen
Research Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG), University of Helsinki

Publication date: 2012

Table of contents

Suhr, Carla & Irma Taavitsainen

Taavitsainen, Irma & Carla Suhr
Developing historical corpus pragmatics towards multimodality

Jucker, Andreas H., Irma Taavitsainen & Gerold Schneider
Semantic corpus trawling: Expressions of “courtesy” and “politeness” in the Helsinki Corpus (see abstract)

Claridge, Claudia
Of fox-sized mice and a thousand men: Hyperbole in Old English (see abstract)

Williams, Graham
Searching for verbal irony in historical corpora: a pilot study of mock and scorn in the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse (see abstract)

Busse, Beatrix and Ulrich Busse
Methodological suggestions for investigating Shakespearean discourse markers in old texts of Shakespeare’s plays (see abstract)

Kozlowski, Jacek
Variation and emotional affect: the case of quiten and aquiten (see abstract)

Mazzon, Gabriella
I’m afraid I’ll have to stop now… Your time is up, I’m afraid. Corpus studies and the development of attitudinal markers (see abstract)

Oinonen, Raisa
Yours to command: Politeness and an Early Modern English subscription formula (see abstract)

Kohnen, Thomas
A toolkit for constructing corpus networks (see abstract)

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Joe McVeigh
Linda Ravindrarajan