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Table 1. Relationship between number of variants and different word types. QEISC. It is probable that, if were the corpus larger, there would be a greater number of word types with 6, 7, or 8 variants. However, the heavy weighting towards single variants suggests that this is a prominent characteristic of Elizabeth’s practice, and can be read as a marker of spelling consistency. The figures lend support towards Salmon’s verdict of ‘reasonable consistency’ in Elizabeth’s spelling, although it is possible to appreciate how Blake may have reached his conclusion of Elizabeth’s ‘extraordinary range’ of spelling, if his opinion was based on a qualitative rather than a quantitative assessment. The figures in Table 1 represent the ratio of word types to the number of spelling forms, but do not reflect the possible variation in the frequency of those word types. Frequency of use is an important factor when discussing consistency. For example, the significance of the seven hundred and seven words in the corpus with a single spelling form will be greater if Elizabeth spells these words identically twenty times over, rather than if she uses them only twice. Results of this nature offer a stronger case for an intentional, rather than accidental, consistency of practice on behalf of the writer. The words that occur with only a single variant form in the corpus offer a useful sample to ascertain the relationship between variant number and frequency of use in Elizabeth’s spelling system (see Table 2).
Table 2. Frequency of 1-variant word types. QEISC. The relationship between token frequency and the different 1-variant word types is inversely proportional. The lowest proportion of the 1-variant category data – 18 word types in all (2.5% of single forms) – occur over one hundred times in the corpus. All of these words are grammatical, including prepositions (to, 783 occurrences; of, 623 occurrences), pronouns (I, 750 occurrences), and conjunctions (and, 638 occurrences). The high level of consistency may therefore be explained both by the qualities of these words – monosyllabic, Germanic – and their high frequency in Elizabeth’s correspondence. In the mid-range frequencies, 80 words occur between 11 and 100 times with a single spelling form. This group is made up of a wider range of lexical categories including proper names (Elizabeth, 50 occurrences), common nouns (cousin, 36 occurrences) and verbs (first-person present make, 84 occurrences). The diversity of the lexis continues in the least frequent 1-variant words, comprising 609 total forms, ranging from 2 to 10 tokens in the corpus: e.g. (French, 5 occurrences), (death, 7 occurrences), (declared, 6 occurrences). Whilst the number of different forms is greatest in the 2-10 occurrences group, it should be noted that 323 (54%) of these occur only twice in the corpus; overall, the 1-variant, two token words constitute a considerable 45.6% of the 1-variant category. Interpreting these figures is difficult; on the one hand, the low frequency of the words could disguise variation, yet on the other it may also indicate that Elizabeth had a remarkably stable spelling system that was not restricted to high frequency items such as grammatical words. Increasing the size of the corpus and expanding the resource to include the practice of other writers, are two options that would provide further insight into this dimension of sixteenth-century spelling practice. 7.2 Diachronic ConsistencyOne of the arguments for analysing the spelling practice of an individual, rather than a larger social group, was that the idiolect would enable a focused consideration of social factors. A diachronic study under these conditions allows us to investigate the possible impact of education, age and usage on the constancy of sixteenth-century spelling. For this aspect of analysis, a stable dataset is required: the meaningfulness of consistent or inconsistent forms in relation to sparse lexical items in the corpus is unclear and difficult to interpret, as was seen in the low frequency forms in the 1-variant category. Consequently, the data selected for the diachronic comparison (Table 3) represents a sample of the most frequent (+ 5 tokens) and most variable word forms (+ 4 variants) in the corpus: although, thought, might, honour, received, through, will, evil, country, been, doubt, upon, understand, willingly, English, which, mind, receive, truth, friendship, conscience, persuasions, ought, perceive, praying, friends, with, council, loving, even, sovereign, vain, subjects, believe, thoughts, councillor and wax. Interestingly, each word in this group has at least four variant spellings listed in the OED, suggesting that the range of variation – if not the forms themselves – is not unique to Elizabeth’s practice.
Table 3. Diachronic comparison of variable spellings. QEISC The diachronic comparison splits the data into two halves. Period A corresponds to Elizabeth’s pre-accession correspondence (1544–1556) and Period B to her post-accession correspondence (1563–1595). The evidence shown in Table 3 indicates that spelling become more variable and inconsistent in the latter years of the corpus, which is the opposite of the trend predicted by the hypotheses. However, the figures do not tell the whole story. It is necessary to assess the weighting of the variant forms i.e. Elizabeth’s preference for one variant over another. The (dis)continuity of preferred forms over time will provide a more accurate gauge of consistency in the two sub-periods. I define the notion of “preference” numerically, as a variant that occurs at least 3 times more than other variant forms. This is somewhat of an arbitrary line, but one that works effectively with the corpus size and the frequency/variation values of the sample. In a larger scale study, this numerical defnition may have to be reassessed. It also means, for the present analysis, that some words do not have a preferred spelling. I recognise that, within the smaller pre-accession corpus, there could be problems with token counts, although choosing a sample that includes the most frequent word types in the corpus minimises the problem I can best illustrate the concept of preference with an example. The modal verb might has five variant spellings in the corpus. Three variants occur in Period A, and four variant forms in Period B, with only one maintained from Period A. When viewed from this perspective, it appears there was an increase in the inconsistency between the two periods. However, Elizabeth does not use all variants equally. In the pre-accession period, the variant <migth> occurs 8 times, <might> twice and <mighte> once. Thus <migth> is the preferred spelling for this period. By contrast <might> is the preferred form in Elizabeth’s post-accession correspondence, occurring 24 times. The other three variants in this period occur only once each. Therefore, the findings for might indicate that Elizabeth has both an overall consistency in her spelling of this word (<might> accounts for 26 of the 38 occurrences in QEISC) and different preferences in each period of the corpus: Period A <migth> = 72.7%, Period B <might> = 88.9%. The percentages suggest that Elizabeth became more consistent in her use of the preferred form in the post-accession period. The difference in preference between the two periods is statistically significant, according to the chi square test (p > 0.001; degree of difference = 1). In the sample there is a clear difference in the distribution of preferred spellings in word types found in both sub-periods. Whilst 11 of the words (29.7%) have a preferred variant in the pre-accession part of the corpus, this increases to 24 of the words (64.9%) in the post-accession period, implying that Elizabeth’s spelling system increased in consistency over time (p > 0.01). Of the 37 word types that occur in both sub-periods of the corpus, eight have a preferred spelling form in both periods. Curiously, in only three of the word types (been, which, with) does Elizabeth maintain her preferred spelling from Period A to Period B. Notably, all three are grammatical and occur frequently in the corpus. My analysis has already indicated that this word class contributed to the level of consistency with single-variant forms, suggesting that frequency of use is an important factor in the development of Elizabeth’s spelling system. The factor may also apply more generally to Early Modern spelling, although further research is necessary to confirm this. 7.3 Graph Forms and CombinationsIn the second part of the analysis, I explore the different graph combinations used by Elizabeth. These are the forms that contribute to the consistency detected in her spelling system in the previous analysis. An account of all the graph combinations would extend far beyond the space available for this paper, and so discussion concentrates on two examples that represent different aspects of the results. At this stage, the discussion of graph combinations considers the written dimension only, working on the assumption that the written and spoken modes of language are distinct components of an inter-related system, and thus that one can be discussed without continuous reference to the other. This approach has previously been adopted in the discussion of ME spelling systems. The editors of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Middle English point out that ‘it is only at one remove that spelling is evidence about spoken language, but it is direct evidence about written language [...] The written language can be studied in its own right’ (McIntosh and others, vol. 1 1986: 5; see also Smith 1996, Chapter 4). They caution that investigating the phonological dimension of spelling is a ‘hazardous undertaking’, and that interpretations of concrete written material soon become ‘debatable derivative conjectures’ when used for evidence of the spoken language (McIntosh and others vol. 1 1986: 5). The relationship between the written graph and the spoken phoneme is inconsistent throughout the history of English, and focusing on written data as written data allows us to investigate variation that has no equivalent in spoken language (i.e. the interchangeability of <ȝ> and <y>), and treat such instances equally with those that may have a more tangible connection to the spoken word (McIntosh and others, vol. 1 1986: 6). 7.4 <sh> CombinationsFigure 3. © British Library, MS 23240, f.89. Use of initial <sh> in a letter to James VI of Scotland, 1585. Figure 4. © British Library, Lansdowne 1236, f.37. Use of medial <sch> in a letter to Mary I, 1556. The first graph combination illustrates the consistency in Elizabeth’s selection of letterforms. Within the corpus, there are five graph combinations for <sh>: <s>, <ss>, <sch>, <sh> and <ssh>, yet the connection between graph combination and the different word forms is comparatively stable: Elizabeth spells 62 words (91%) using only one graph combination (36 of these word types are hapax legomena), three word types occur with three combinations, and three words with two combinations. Overall <sh> – now the generalised form in PDE – is the dominant form, accounting for 81.9% of all tokens; e.g. <shortar>, <shewed>, <sonshine>. Closer examination shows that Elizabeth uses the graph combinations systematically, with her preference dependent upon the graphs’ position within the word (see Table 4). <sh> is Elizabeth’s preferred combination in initial position at 99.6%: e.g. <shuld>, <shall>, <shameful>, <shadowe>. The alternative <sch> occurs in a single instance of sharply <scharpely> found in a pre-accession letter to Edward VI (29th April 1551, to Edward VI, QEISC).
Table 4. Distribution of <sh> graph combinations by token frequency. QEISC. In medial positions, all five combinations are used by Elizabeth, although <sch> and <sh> are the preferred graphs. The preferred combination for final position is also <sch> e.g. <perische>, <blusche>, <rasche>. The second most frequent graph, <s>, is used in <skottis> and one of two variants for punish <punis>. However, the majority of non-<sch> final combinations are attributable to Elizabeth’s spelling of English, which occurs with three different variants: <english>, <e/inglas> and <inglische/englisch>. The results suggest this word shows an unusual level of variation, when compared to her typical practice. Diachronic comparison indicates that Elizabeth’s preferences between the pre- and post-accession periods are similar (Table 5). The dominance of <sh> in initial positions is the case for both periods, at 99% in the pre-accession correspondence and 100% in the post-accession letters. In medial positions, Elizabeth’s preferences become less consistent with <sh> decreasing from 55.2% to 40% across the two periods, and <sch> increasing. Elizabeth’s preferences are clearer for final position spellings, with the pre-accession preferred form <sch> becoming even more dominant in the later correspondence.
Table 5. Distribution of <sh> by word position over time. QEISC. Whilst the results for <sh> characterise Elizabeth’s spelling system, the data does not indicate the provenance or popularity of the graph combinations in the wider social context. In order to establish if the use of <sh> or <sch>, for example, is typical or atypical of the practice of Elizabeth’s contemporaries, the informants within the PCEEC can provide a useful comparison. Although the corpus may not be reliable enough for a full-scale analysis, sampling the spelling variants for specific words can at least provide an impression of the graph combinations current in the sixteenth century. In order to focus my analysis and provide a more meaningful comparison, I have restricted the analysis of CEEC to the 16th century letters. It should be noted that some of these sub-files contain a small amount of material from either pre-1500 (particularly the Paston correspondence) or post-1600. For comparison with <sh>, I chose three spellings representative of Elizabeth’s practice: short, ashamed and English. In the PCEEC corpus, there are five variant spellings for short (n = 158), including the <short> form used by Elizabeth. The PCEEC informants show the same preference as Elizabeth for <sh> in initial position, and the graph combination accounts for 90.5% (143 tokens) of all spellings. However, the remaining 9.5% is attributable to the combination <sch>. The informants who use this variant are predominantly members of the Paston family writing in the latter decades of the fifteenth century, suggesting that as a word-initial graph combination, it may have been slightly archaic in Elizabeth’s lifetime. The PCEEC informants use only two forms for ashamed (n = 29): <sh> (93.1%) and <ssh> (6.9%) graphs respectively. Interestingly, no informants use the <sch> combination preferred by Elizabeth for this word, suggesting that this may have been a less usual spelling. Finally, PCEEC informants use seven variants of <sh> in the renderings of English (n= 140). This indicates that the variation seen in QEISC for this word type parallels the macro-level variation of the word in the Early Modern period. It is curious that a politically significant word such as English lacks a consistent form. Michael Benskin (2004: 21) cites the seven variant spellings for England used by the scribes writing in the ‘Chancery Standard’ (fourteenth and fifteenth century) as indicative that the scribes were not concerned with ‘institutional spelling norms’. Such a significant word, he suggests, ‘would surely have been a prime candidate for fixity’ (2004: 21). It is curious that Elizabeth, writing around a century later, shows no intention of establishing a consistent spelling of English in her spelling system, nor – based on the results from PCEEC – providing a standardised form to be used by her subjects. Comparison of the particular variants of English shows, however, that only three of the forms in PCEEC correspond with Elizabeth’s preferences. When assessed for their frequency, <sh> is by far the dominant form occurring in 96.4% of all variants. The other combinations include <ssh> (used by Anne Boleyn) and a single example containing final <s>. The lack of <sch> in final position is surprising, and provides further evidence that this graph is an idiosyncratic feature of Elizabeth’s spelling system. Further consultation of the PCEEC shows that <sch> is quite rare in any word position. However, two notable users of <sch> are Catherine Parr and Henry VIII. I can no les do then to sende her [Anne Boleyn] summe flesche representyng my name, whyche is hart flesche for Henry (1528, Henry VIII; HENRY8, 128). A letter (not in PCEEC) written by Elizabeth’s governess Kat Ashley shows that <sch> was also her preferred spelling: she <sche>, punishment <ponysschment>, <ponyschment> and Ashley <aschyly>, with only one <sh> form: <shame> (Kathryn Ashley 1549, PRO: SP 10/6, Item 22 in Cusack 1998: 236–8). Elizabeth uses <sch> to spell Ashley’s name, possibly copying the practice of her governess: <aschilye, aschiley, aschylye>. The distribution of <sch> thus appears to be localised, more typical of the spelling of those associated with the Court, and with Elizabeth herself. The currency of <sch> in the writing of influential and prominent individuals in Elizabeth’s adolescence may explain the presence of the graph combination in her spelling system. My analysis suggests that spelling is susceptible to the same social factors as other linguistic variables, and the concept of ‘spelling contact’ (analogous with ‘dialect contact’) can be speculatively applied to the evidence for <sch>. Sebba (2007: 60) suggests that spelling contact is significant to English spelling at a macro level, describing the transmission of international conventions via scribes and printers from the continent. My findings suggest that the phenomenon could also occur at a localised level, with conventions shared between members of different community groups. However, more evidence is needed to establish if Elizabeth’s spelling system was extensively influenced by the preferences of her peers, or whether <sch> is a one-off example. It is probable that her tendency towards spelling consistency ensured that <sch> was maintained in her spelling system throughout her life. 7.5 <s> and <z> GraphsFigure 5. © British Library, MS Add. 23240, f.39. Use of terminal <s> in a letter to James VI of Scotland, 1586. Figure 6. © British Library, Add. MS 23240, f.77. Use of terminal <z> in a letter to James VI of Scotland, 1588. The second graph selected for discussion demonstrates a different set of properties. In PDE standard spelling, <s> is used to mark plural and genitive word endings. However, Early Modern writers had greater freedom, and in QEISC Elizabeth uses of both <s> and <z> graphs to mark the plural or genitive: the bloudy invention of traitors handz (1st February 1587, to James VI, QEISC). In the pre-accession period, <s> is the only graph: nor els worthy to come, in youre graces handes, but rather all vnperfytte and vncorecte (1544, to Catherine Parr, QEISC). The alternative <z> graph emerges in Elizabeth’s post-accession spelling, accounting for 24.3% of all plural and genitive tokens (p > 0.001). [4]
Table 6. Distribution of <s> and <z>. QEISC. The change suggests that Early Modern spelling systems were receptive to new conventions in adulthood, analogous to the adoption of new morphosyntactic variants or lexical forms. But the development of <z> also contradicts my key hypothesis that Elizabeth’s spelling system would become more consistent over time. However, examining the data more closely reveals that Elizabeth restricts the <z> graph to words terminating in <t>, <d>, <l> and <ng>. The use of <z> is not exclusive, and Elizabeth continues to use <s> in these contexts, but the distribution of the <z> graph demonstrates consistency and something resembling an underlying system for these graphs (Table 7).
Table 7. <z> in four word-final contexts (%). Period B, QEISC. For the PCEEC comparison, I examined the words hearts, councils and Gods. In QEISC, hearts occurs with both terminal <s> and <z>, although the latter graph is preferred in Elizabeth’s post-accession writing accounting for four of the six occurrences. Her preference is not replicated in the correspondence of the PCEEC informants. Out of the thirteen variant spellings of heart, only one form uses the <z> graph to mark the genitive, found in the Paston correspondence. (There were no examples of heart, pl. using <z>): graunt you euer youre hertez desyre (John Russe, 1462; PASTON, II, 276). All other spelling forms of hearts in PCEEC use terminal <s>, such as in the letters of contemporaries Robert Dudley (1586) and Gabriel Harvey (1573), and predecessors Thomas Wolsey and Thomas Boleyn (1520s). The PCEEC informants show a similar preference for <s> in the variants for councils, with no instances of <z>. Finally, only three spelling forms (out of over two hundred) use the <z> graph in the genitive Gods, and these also occur in the fifteenth-century Paston correspondence. The majority of PCEEC informants use <s>. [5] The lack of correlation between Elizabeth and her contemporaries for <z> is surprising, as the timing of the development suggests that it may correspond to a broader trend. However, the concept of ‘spelling contact’ may offer a potential explanation for Elizabeth’s adoption of <z>, through the influence of the spelling reform ideas of one of her courtiers. William Patten, a colleague of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and Sir Christopher Hatton, devised a spelling system in the latter decades of the sixteenth century. Whilst less well known than other reformists, such as Sir John Cheke, he is attributed with the transcription of a mock patent (in his spelling system) in 1591. The patent is addressed to Sir William Cecil, and expresses the Queen’s desire that her ‘hermite’ find ‘solace’ after the death of his wife. Steven W. May (2004: xxvii) suggests that Elizabeth was closely involved in its composition. Examining the patent, the most striking feature is Patten’s usage of <z> for plurals and genitives, suggesting that his system may have contributed to Elizabeth’s post-accession adoption of the graph. However, a word-by-word comparison indicates that the distribution of <z> in the systems of Elizabeth and Patten is dissimilar, e.g. <causes> vs. <causez>. Comparison of other spelling forms also provides minimal evidence to support the idea that Patten influenced Elizabeth’s post-accession spelling. Nevertheless, the presence of Patten’s spelling system in the patent is intriguing. Elizabeth was almost certainly involved in the text’s composition, with the patent containing her nickname ‘sprite’ for Cecil (see May 2004: xxvi–xxvii), and this suggests that she may also have approved of the transcription before it was issued. As it stands, the hypothesis that Elizabeth adopted <z> due to Patten’s practice is unsupported by other evidence. It may be that Elizabeth independently adopted, or developed, the practice of plural and genitive <z>. 8. InterpretationsThe results from QEISC indicate that Elizabeth’s spelling system increases in consistency over time, a trend that can be explained by appealing to the social factors discussed at the beginning of this paper. Elizabeth’s developing education and her increasing written output offers feasible motives for the rise in consistency between Period A and Period B. Salmon (1999: 30) suggests that Elizabeth’s spelling is ‘noticeable’ for being ‘reasonably consistent’, a description for which I can now offer quantitative support. My results show a better fit with Salmon’s assessment than with Blake’s claim that Elizabeth had a highly variable spelling system. However, there is a significant methodological problem underlying such an interpretation. At present the definition of “consistent” is undefined and impressionistic. There is no macro-level data to compare with Elizabeth’s spelling system, to reveal if the figures represent a system more consistent than most. All we know is that her practice shows an increase in consistency over time, relative to her own usage. The analysis of graph combinations <sh> and word-final <s> illustrates very different patterns of use, demonstrating the idiosyncrasy of Elizabeth’s system (and, by extension, spelling systems of the sixteenth century). However, rather than international or literary influences, the most intriguing factor in her usage appeared to be localised ‘spelling contact’, seen in the shared graph preferences of Elizabeth and her step-mother and step-brother. The concept of ‘spelling contact’, and the scope of the phenomenon, warrants further investigation. 9. ConclusionFigure 3. The Plimpton "Sieve" Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, 1579. Artist: George Gower. Oil on panel. This paper has explored the theoretical and methodological dimensions of a sociolinguistic study of sixteenth-century spelling. The case study of Queen Elizabeth I indicates that the approach has considerable merit, based on the correlations between her biographical experiences (education, age, writing habits) and the patterns in her spelling system. Whilst the study was not able to consider spelling forms more generally in the sixteenth century, the persuasive evidence in favour of social factors influencing Elizabeth’s spelling practice suggests that a larger sociolinguistic analysis of spelling variation may help us to understand the processes that shaped this intermediary stage in English spelling, and to better appreciate the social significance of the written mode in EModE. The corpus tools offered by the historical sociolinguistic framework provide a valuable means to realise such a goal. Notes[1] I thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and comments during the preparation of this article. [2] The results are based on a chapter of my PhD thesis (Evans 2011), which is presently being prepared for publication. [3] This does not have to be the rendering now found in Standard PDE. [4] The change also applies to other word endings. 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DATA OPTION 1: Word List information, relevant to Section 7.4.
DATA OPTION 2: Word List information, relevant to Section 7.5.