Old English 850?-1150

The Dictionary of Old English Corpus (DOEC),c. 3.5 million words
The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts (HC), OE part, c. 500,000 words
The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (YCOE), c. 1.5 million words

Middle English (c. 1150-1500)

The Corpus of Early English Medical Writing (CEEMW), MEMT part c. 500,000 words
The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse (CMEPV), c. 18 million words
The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts (HC), ME part, c. 500,000 words
Innsbruck Computer Archive of Middle English Texts (ICAMET), c. 5 million words. Sampler corpus c. 3 million words
The Middle English Compendium (MEC)
The Middle English Dictionary (MED)
Middle English Grammar Project (MEG-C), c. 450,000 words
The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English, second edition (PPCME2), c. 1.2 million words

Early Modern English (c. 1500-1700)

A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760 (CED), c. 1.2 million words
The Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler (1417-1681) (CEECS), c. 500,000 words
The Corpus of Early English Medical Writing (CEEMW), EMEMT part, c. 2 million words
The Corpus of Irish English (14th – 20th c.), c. 550,000 words
The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts (HC), EModE part, c. 500,000 words
The Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (1450-1700) (HCO), c. 850,000 words
The Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern English Tracts (1640-1740), c. 1.1 million words
The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English (PPCEME), c. 1.8 million words

Late Modern English (c. 1700-1990)

The BLOB-1931 Corpus, c. 1,000,000 words
The Brown Corpus (1960s) (Brown) 1,000,000 words
A Corpus of late 18c Prose (CLEP), c. 300,000 words
A Corpus of Late Modern English Texts (extended version) (1710-1920) (CLMETEV), c. 15 million words
The Freiburg-Brown Corpus (1990s) (Frown), 1,000,000 words
The Freiburg-Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus (1990s)(F-LOB), 1,000,000 words.
The Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus (1960s) (LOB), 1,000,000 words
A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers (1650-1990) (ARCHER), c. 1.7 million words
Time Corpus (1923-present), 100 million words
Zurich English Newspaper Corpus (1661-1791) (ZEN), c. 1.6 million words

More information on these and other corpora can be found in the Corpus Resource Database (http://www.helsinki.fi/varieng/CoRD/index.html).

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