Frequently asked questions – or questions you might ask

Answers to questions regarding CoRD entries and submitting information to CoRD can be found below.

Can CoRD entries be altered after submission?

Absolutely. The compilers of a corpus can get in touch with us at any time to add, revise, or delete information.

Can a corpus be distributed through CoRD?

Theoretically yes, although this would have to be discussed on a case by case basis. Unfortunately we can not provide a service for authenticating access to restricted corpora, and consequently any corpora distributed through CoRD will need to be completely open access. Large corpora would generally be better distributed by other means.

Links to other online resources such as the Oxford Text Archive can certainly be provided, and we would encourage corpus compilers to provide a link to the permanent download site on the front page of their CoRD entry.

I spotted an error in an entry! What can I do?

We would appreciate any feedback, particularly on any errors or inaccuracies. You can use the feedback form in the first place, or get in touch with the CoRD coordinator by e-mail.

If you are not the compiler of the corpus in question, and the apparent mistake or error is in the submitted data, we will contact the author of the entry and discuss the issue with them. With their approval, we will update the entry accordingly.

Can Cord entries include articles and other published material?

Yes, provided that the appropriate publishing rights are in order. If you'd like to include such material, get in touch with us first. Unfortunately we can not enter into direct negotiations with publishers and other third party publishing right holders.

Whose names should go under the heading 'compilers'?

We encourage corpus teams to list the names of all those who actively participated in the compilation of the corpus. Although the particular titles are up to the individual teams, and may differ from region to region, in general terms we would suggest using the title "compiler" for those members of the team who participated in text selection and other editorial work, and the term "assistant" for those who worked on the primary data without responsibility for selection. More specific titles can be used as necessary, for example "programmer" and "project secretary".