The Corpus of Early Ontario English, pre-Confederation Section (CONTE-pC)
(Entry based on project homepage.)
The corpus is conceived as spanning the period from the earliest Ontarian English texts to the middle of the 19th century (ca. 125,000 words). The genres are newspaper texts, diary entries, and letters. The corpus is designed so that findings may be compared to other language corpora. For instance, genres, sampling sizes, and periodization are compatible with those found in ARCHER - A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers. Since the CONTE features periods of 25 years, two CONTE periods taken together can be compared to one period in ARCHER. This design should also facilitate comparisons with other historical varieties of English.
CONTE pre-Confederation section:
CONTE-pC consists of three periods, , i.e. 1776-1799, 1800-1824 and 1825-1849 in the corpus's three genres. As such, it comprises 125,000 words and may serve as a database for pre-Confederation CanE (prior to 1867). CONTE-pC was finished in July 2004.
Project leaders: Stefan Dollinger
Size: ca. 125,000 words
Language: Regional
Period: the earliest Ontarian English texts to the end of the 19th century
Project home page:
Reference line and copyright
Dollinger, Stefan (ed.) 2006. The Corpus of Early Ontario English, pre-Confederation Section (CONTE-pC). Version 0.9. University of Vienna.
Available at request from the compiler.
CoRD Entry prepared by Emanuela Costea.
Entry revised and approved by Stefan Dollinger.