
The Corpus of Oz Early English has been used as a resource in the following articles. If you have used the corpus in your own research, please let us know using the feedback form.


Fritz, C. (1996): Early Australian Letters: A Linguistic Analysis. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Regensburg.

—— (1998): "Letters from early Australia – linguistic variation and change". Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 6, 25-42.

—— (2000a): "Language, change and identity: The Irish in 19th century Australia", Irish-Australian Studies, eds. T. Foley & F. Bateman. Darlinghurst: Crossing Press. 57-66.

—— (2000b): "The Irish in Australia: Aspects of linguistic accommodation", The Celtic Englishes II, ed. H.L.C. Tristram. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. 57-74.

—— (2004): "From Plato to Aristotle - investigating early Australian English", AJL 24(1), 57-97.

—— (2006a): "Favoring Americanisms? -or/-our spellings in early English in Australia", The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics, eds. A. Renouf, & A. Kehoe, Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 27-44.

—— (2006b): "Resilient or Yielding? Features of IrE syntax and aspect in early Australia", Types of Variation: Diachronic, Dialectal and Typological Interfaces, eds. T. Nevalainen, J. Klemola & M. Laitinen, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 280-301.

—— (2006c): "The conventions' spelling conventions: Regional variation in nineteenth century Australian spelling", Corpus-based studies of Diachronic English, eds. R. Facchinetti & M. Rissanen. Bern/Berlin: Peter Lang. 231-52.