The file textlist.xml provides a list of the texts with the Cameron numbers and their corresponding Short Titles.
The structure is described in detail in the header file (corpus.xml). Each text is enclosed within a <TEI> structure. The value for the id attribute is the letter T followed by the Text Number (e.g. xml:id="T00010"). The first substructure is the <teiHeader>, which includes title, full bibliographic material, encoding, and other miscellaneous information. The <body> structure follows, which contains the <text>. Each citation is an <s> structure within the <text> structure, and the citation number and text reference identifier are contained as attributes.
The format of the Text Reference Identifier (n attribute) varies from text to text, and the user must consult the <encodingDesc> structure of the text to determine which system is being used.
Latin or Greek included in the Old English texts and Latin glossed by Old English are enclosed within <foreign> tags. Words which are fragmentary in manuscript or emended by the editor of the text are enclosed by <corr> tags. This tag may also indicate that there is a problem with the manuscript in the space adjacent to the word. Editorial punctuation has usually been adopted; for most texts it follows modern norms. Runic text is enclosed within <hi rend="rune"> tags.
The character entities use the standard definition for XML Character Entities: Character entities which have no match in the standard can be found in xml-corpus/corpus.ent. The character entities used in the corpus texts are as follows:
XML Entity |
Character |
Æ |
Æ |
æ |
æ |
œ |
œ |
Ð |
Ð |
ð |
ð |
Þ |
Þ |
þ |
þ |
Å |
Å |
É |
É |
é |
é |
Ę |
Ę |
ę |
ę |
à |
à |
è |
è |
ä |
ä |
ö |
ö |
ü |
ü |
ø |
ø |
&bstrok; |

đ |

ł |

&tbar; |
ç |
ç |
XML Entity |
Character |
ā |
ā |
ē |
ē |
ī |
ī |
ō |
ō |
&ymacr; |

&cmacr; |

&gmacr; |

&hmacr; |

&mmacr; |

&Nmacron; |

&nmacr; |

&pmacr; |

&qmacr; |

&rmacr; |

&tmacr; |

&vmacr; |

XML Entity |
Character |
&Agr; |
Α |
&Egr; |
Η |
Λ |
Λ |
&Ngr; |
Ν |
Ω |
Ω |
ω |
ω |
&Ogr; |
Ο |
&Rgr; |
Ρ |
&Tgr; |
Τ |
& |
& |
< |
< |
> |
> |
≡ |
≡ |
¬e; |

&criphia; |

&crisimon; |

&lemniscus; |
