Letter Corpus of ICAMET

The Letter Corpus of ICAMET, part of the Innsbruck Computer Archive of Machine-Readable English Texts (ICAMET), contains 469 complete letters in Middle and Early Modern English, arranged diachronically, from different sources. In addition to traditional linguistic analyses, the corpus encourages pragmatic and sociolinguistic studies, as well as studies of culture and lifestyle. The corpus comes in three versions: original, normalised, and interlinearly combined.

Project leader: Manfred Markus, Universität Innsbruck
Time of compilation: 1992–1997 (with revisions and minor additions since)
Size: 182 000 words
Language: English (Middle and Early Modern)
Number of texts/samples: 469
Period: 1386–1698
Released: FIXME?
Funding: Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Vienna)

Reference line and Copyright

FIXME (ref line)

All the ICAMET files, including those of the Letter Corpus of ICAMET, are allowed for "fair academic use" only (Bern Convention). The files, whether in full or in part, must not be used for profit, but only under the aspect of individual research interests. The ICAMET files are protected as part of the Innsbruck corpora and must not be copied for commercial purposes or for the purpose of compiling another corpus.


Available in paper form; for details, see the ICAMET website.


Project leader: Manfred Markus
Online adviser: Josef Wallmannsberger
Software advisers: Mario Andriollo, Helmut Essenschläger

Former collaborators

Roland Benedikter; Andrea Kruckenhauser; Robert McColl Millar; Ulrike Mühlbacher-Nadenik; Paul Perger; Eva Maria Rainer; Elliott Schreiber; Alois Wechselberger; Maturot Sinavarat; Sonja Dum; Andrea Krapf


The corpus is available on CD-ROM to all interested researchers for a nominal fee covering postage and packaging. For details, see the ICAMET website.


EDV-Zentrum der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Prof. Manfred Görlach, Engl. Dept., Universität Köln, Germany
Prof. Raymond Hickey, Engl. Dept., Universität Essen, Germany
Prof. James Hogg, Engl. Dept., Universität Salzburg, Austria
Institut für Anglistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg
The Council of the Early English Text Society
Faber & Faber Ltd.
The John Hopkins University Press
Oxford University Press
Princeton University Press
The University of Tennessee Press
Yale University Press

Acknowledgements to publishers are listed in detail under the texts concerned.