Basic structure of the Corpus of Multilingual Opinion Essays by College Students

Read me before opening the English files:

  1. The first line (before the first <P>) is the essay title.
  2. <P> implies "paragraph begins", and <P> implies "paragraph ends".
  3. For Mac, you can easily retrieve your target linguistic form using CasualConc or any other text extractors.
  4. The texts are typed and spelled exactly as participants wrote, including spelling mistakes.
  5. Any information that may threaten the anonymity of the writer is replaced with a category of the information, e.g., <SCHOOL NAME> for a name of university.


Multilingual opinion essays:

  • L1 English, Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean
  • L2 English by Japanese speakers, Japanese by English, Taiwanese, and Korean speakers

Sociolinguistic coverage

Second language learners, university level.

Technical information

Simple text files. The participants’ language background information is available.


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