
The Zurich English Newspaper Corpus has been used as a resource in the following articles. If you have used the corpus in your own research, please let us know using the feedback form.


Studer, Patrick. 2008. Historical Corpus Stylistics. Media, Technology and Change. (Research in Corpus and Discourse.) London and New York: Continuum.


Fries, Udo and Hans Martin Lehmann. 2006. "The Style of 18th century English Newspapers: Lexical Diversity." In: Nicholas Brownlees (ed.), News Discourse in Early Modern Britain. Bern: Peter Lang, 91-104.

Fries, Udo. 2006. "Death Notices: The Birth of a Genre." In: Roberta Facchinetti and Matti Rissanen, (eds.), Corpus-based Studies of Diachronic English. (Linguistic Insights 31.) Bern: Lang, 157-170.

Jucker, Andreas. 2006. "'but 'tis believed that': Speech and Thought Presentation in Early English Newspapers." In: Nicholas Brownlees (ed.), News Discourse in Early Modern Britain. Selected Papers of CHINED 2004. Bern: Lang, 105-125.


Auf dem Keller, Caren. 2004. Textual structures in eighteenth-century newspaper advertising. A corpus-based study of medical advertisements and book advertisements. Aachen: Shaker.


Studer, Patrick. 2003. Textual structures in eighteenth-century newspapers. A corpus-based study of headlines. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 4: 19-44.


Fischer, Andreas and Peter Schneider. 2002. "The dramatick disappearance of the <-ick> spelling, researched with authentick material from the Zurich English Newspaper Corpus." In: Andreas Fischer, Gunnel Tottie and Hans Martin Lehmann (eds.), Text Types and Corpora: Studies in Honour of Udo Fries. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 139-50.


Fries, Udo and Peter Schneider. 2000. "ZEN: Preparing the Zurich English Newspaper Corpus." In: Friedrich Ungerer (ed.), English Media Texts - Past and Present. (Pragmatics and Beyond 80.) Amsterdam: Benjamins, 3-24.


Schneider, Peter and Patrick Studer. 1999. The Zurich English Newspaper Corpus. The British Library, Newspaper Library News 27, 6-7.

Xekalakis Elefteria. 1999. Newspapers Through the Times. Foreign Reports from the 18th to the 20th Centuries. Ph.D. Thesis, Zurich: Studentendruckerei.


Fries, Udo. 1997a. "The vocabulary of ZEN: Implications for the compilation of a corpus." In: Raymond Hickey, Merja Kytö, Ian Lancashire, and Matti Rissanen (eds.), Tracing the Trail of Time. Proceedings from the Second Diachronic Corpora Workshop. (Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 18.) Amsterdam: Rodopi, 153-166.

Fries, Udo. 1997b. "Electuarium Mirabile: praise in 18th-century medical advertisements." In: Jan Aarts, Inge de Mönnink and Herman Wekker (eds.), Studies in English Language and Teaching. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 57-73.