The Corpus of Historical English Law Reports has been used as a resource in the following publications. If you have used the corpus in your own research, please let us know using the feedback form.
Reference works
Fanego, Teresa / Paula Rodríguez-Puente / María José López-Couso / Belén Méndez-Naya / Paloma Núñez-Pertejo / Cristina Blanco-García / Iván Tamaredo. Forthcoming. The Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535–1999 (CHELAR): A resource for analysing the development of English legal discourse.
Rodríguez-Puente, Paula (comp.). 2016. CHELAR: Source texts and word counts. Available online (
Rodríguez-Puente, Paula. 2011. Introducing the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports: Structure and compilation techniques. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 17: 99–120.